
Interbedded Late Triassic (Carnian) fluvial and aeolian sandstones at the top of the Wolfville Formation, Five Islands Provincial park, Minas Basin (view to the east).

Interbedded Late Triassic (Carnian) fluvial and aeolian sandstones at the top of the Wolfville Formation, Five Islands Provincial park, Minas Basin (view to the east).

Nova Scotia has a long history of geological investigation and research and some world-class outcrop exposures and successions and museums. The province has delineated all sites of geological significance and undertaken a program to increase public awareness of Nova Scotia’s geological endowment and creating of geoparks and sites of interest. The current initiative is focused on the Bay of Fundy region. Some field trip guidebooks have been published for various outcrop successions in Nova Scotia, many of which are coastal exposures. Information on those available to download will be provided soon on this website.


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